Golden rules for designing appealing websites

Everyone in this world seems to be involved in web development Dubai and thus they own a website, and while some aim for cheap website design Dubai, others want theirs to be perfect and best out of them all. So if you are considering the option of investing in a website then make sure that you are following these golden rules to stand out in the crowd:

  • Balance out the design

There are several readymade templates out there which most of the people aim for when it comes to website designing but in between this they forget that these templates are only for guidance and the developer themselves have to adjust it as per their convenience. So while the spacing may seem fine and allotment of characters as well, you need to be sure that they are in a balanced structure and pleasing to the eye so that the visitors enjoy their time visiting your site.

  • Pick base colours and then go with it

While it is good to stay true to the branding and choose such colours which represent your logo and idea, don’t forget that your site is not a canvas, it is a professional site which needs to be designed keeping all the aspects in mind. Pick two or three base colours and roll with it. Don’t add several different shades of yellow in a site because they would only make the site look funky. Similar colours go together so keep the colour palette in your mind and go with it.

  • Focus on typography

Typography is one of the first things which are noticed on a site considering the headings and writing and the updates and everything in between is brought together by different fonts and typography. So choose such font which combines well with the graphics and idea of site. Apply the same trick of choosing some specified colours and typography instead of mixing several of them altogether.

  • Don’t be afraid of white space

When there is too much on the page or site, it could take a lot for the eye to adjust so don’t be afraid of the white space. Empty space helps in giving a breathing room to the viewers. Add fonts and contrasting colours which would help you with keeping the contents well adjusted and aligned.

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